our mission,vision,values

The Why.

Because we are called to love God and love each other. The Bible is full of scripture reminding us of this.

We have gotten so distracted with religions, churches, legalism and institutions that people are turning away from “Religion”. We have forgotten that being a“Christian” is not about a “Religion”, it is about a “Relationship”!

Jesus clearly stated He did not come to bring religion, rules or rituals, but that we might have life to the full - John 10:10

  • This is not a “movement”.
  • This is not a “revelation”.
  • This is an understanding of The Truth! It is that simple and that important.

And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. - John 8:32 Welcome to Bent Christian!

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The How.

Bent Christian is an online platform dedicated to fostering a strong and supportive community where members come together to offer assistance, share knowledge,and lend a helping hand to one another. This website serves as a virtual space where people from diverse backgrounds and interests connect to create a vibrant and caring community.

Whether you're seeking advice on a personal challenge, looking to share your testimony, or simply wanting to connect with like-minded individuals, BentChristian is the go-to platform where community members come together to support, learn, and grow together. It embodies the spirit of cooperation and empathy, making the world a better place one helping hand at a time.

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Your generous donation allows us to continue spreading a message of faith, hope, and love to people everywhere. As a community of imperfect believers, we rely on support from caring individuals like you to share prayer, resources, and powerful testimonies each and every day.